An Amazing 2014!
As this year draws to a close, I have to say that it’s been one of the saddest on the pet front. We lost three beautiful hens and had to say goodbye to our darling spaniel, Molly. But we’re looking ahead to next year when we can rehome some more hens and have the experience of our very first puppy!
2014 has also been my busiest yet on the writing front with 6 books published! And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of my lovely readers for being there to support these titles. I’ve loved getting your messages and seeing what you think about my new stories.
And there’ll be plenty more stories for 2015 too. Watch out for my second children’s book and the third ‘Mulberry Cottage’ title in the spring, a brand new novel called The Rose Girls in May, and the first three books in an exciting new series in the autumn.
In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas. Eat lots of lovely food and read lots of fabulous books!