Goodbye, Little Flo
It’s been a very sad week here at Mulberry Cottage because we lost our beloved hen, Little Flo. She’d been slowly sinking away from us for some time, snoozing in quiet corners of the garden with her feathers all fluffed up, and not eating very much.
Little Flo came to us over two years ago as part of our second flock of ex-bat hens. She was the smallest, most threadbare hen I had ever seen, and this made her bottom of the pecking order.
She was also incredibly shy, skulking about in the nest box, hopping from perch to perch. But, slowly, she grew in confidence, grew herself some beautiful golden feathers and rose in rank to become top hen.
I have never seen such an incredible transformation in a hen and I’m so thrilled that she had two years of free-ranging with us. I just wish it could have been for longer because she was such a special little character.
Goodbye, Little Flo. We shall miss you so much.
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