
The Hardest Goodbye — 7 Comments

  1. I’ve had such a lot of pets over my 67 years and when a cat or dog dies I swear I’ll never get another. But God had other ideas. I’ve never been a day without a pet. Their lives are so short. But they are all so lovable.

  2. It is indeed one of the hardest moments in life, to say goodbye to a much loved dog. They give so much unconditionally to us. I am so glad Molly found you to live with and experience years of joy and love. You made her life worth living again the day you rescued her and I hope maybe one day we might be reunited with those precious animals we have loved in this life.

  3. Sorry to hear about Molly, they are precious I have lost a Labrador who was my true friend. Loved me regardless of how I was feeling. When now married, and have been for 23 years. I didn’t think I would get as close to cats as over this period of time we have had quite a number. Wrong again there has been a number of heart breakers.
    Any pet will return the love shown to them. So will you get another dog? Louraine is correct what she says

  4. Thanks so much, David. We miss Molly so much and know now that we cannot live without a dog! We’re hoping to get a puppy in the spring.

  5. Molly looked a super dog….she sounds wonderful…thoughts are with you, she will always live on in your heart xxx

  6. I am so very sorry to hear about Molly. People who adore their pets, I’m one, completely understand how you feel. Molly’s saving grace was, she at least had those who loved her, around her at the latter. Big hug. X

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