
Virginia Woolf’s Writing Diary — 1 Comment

  1. I too am a great fan of Virginia Woolf and managed to read all her books whilst in college (many moons ago) but i remember my tutor warning me of the ‘darkness of her writing and personality’ and not to get too immersed in the Bloomsbury Set – of course I took no notice and ended up having a breakdown and that was the end of my academic career. Since then I have continued to attempt to write but have laid to rest Mrs Woolf! So just be careful I really do not want you wandering off with stones in your pockets in life in Mulberry Cottage should ever get you down. I am reading ‘Mrs Griffin Sends Her Love’ and it brings back so many memories of my early childhood in Chievely. Can’t wait to read Mulberry Cottage – funnily enough I was talking to someone the other day about my dreams of moving out of London but sadly in a wheelchair alone I do not think I could cope with the likes of real country living, so for the moment I have to rely on you to keep the dream alive, whilst buying my eggs from Sainsbury!
    Keep writing,

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