Notting Hill Press Launch Day!
Today is the launch of an exciting new publishing venture. Notting Hill Press joins together a team of professional, dedicated writers who – together with being traditionally published – have embraced the exciting new world of the ebook and are bringing their own independent titles out both in the UK and in the US.
I’m joining some fabulous authors including bestsellers Talli Roland, Michelle Gorman, Belinda Jones, Nick Spalding, Chrissie Manby, Matt Dunn and many others and – for a limited time only – you’ll be able to buy my own title Flights of Angels for just 99p on Kindle.
And, if you buy any 2 Notting Hill Press books, you will be entered into a competition where you can win any 5 NHP ebook titles of your choice which will be personally inscribed for you! So visit the website for more information and start spreading the word!