Austen Addicts top Waterstone’s Chart!
I’m delighted to see A Weekend with Mr Darcy and The Perfect Hero are the bestselling ebooks in Waterstone’s Romance chart this week. It’s so exciting to see them together and I hope that you all enjoy the third book too. Mr Darcy Forever has just been released on Kindle as an ebook exclusive.
I can’t tell you how much fun it was to write this trilogy and it means the world to me to see them doing so well especially this week as it is 200 years since Jane Austen’s first book was published. Happy Birthday, Sense and Sensibility!
My lovely hubby has added Mr Darcy Forever to my Kindle – so now I have the trilogy 🙂 I’m saving them for the Christmas Hols – special reading time 🙂 Thanks Victoria x
A lovely hubby indeed! Do thank him for me!